Topic: Asylum

57 results

Jul 12, 2018

HIAS Statement on New Asylum Guidance

Jul 12, 2018

HIAS Statement on New Asylum Guidance HIAS Statement on New Asylum Guidance Jul 12, 2018 SILVER SPRING, Md.—New guidance from the Department of Homeland Security will make it harder for people to assert their right to asylum. “This guidance, issued without following the process required of new regulations, violates longstanding international and U.S. law,” said Mark Hetfield, president and CEO of […]

Jun 20, 2018

HIAS Statement on Executive Order Establishing Indefinite Family Detention

Jun 20, 2018

HIAS Statement on Executive Order Establishing Indefinite Family Detention HIAS Statement on Executive Order Establishing Indefinite Family Detention Jun 20, 2018 SILVER SPRING, Md.—Today, President Trump signed an executive order ending the practice of separating parents and children at the border. Instead of families being torn apart, they will now be detained indefinitely. The 1997 Flores Consent Decree prohibits the federal government from keeping […]

Jun 11, 2018

HIAS Statement on Attorney General Sessions Asylum Ruling

Jun 11, 2018

HIAS Statement on Attorney General Sessions Asylum Ruling HIAS Statement on Attorney General Sessions Asylum Ruling Jun 11, 2018 SILVER SPRING, Md.—Today, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed a ruling in a critical asylum case known as "Matter of A.B.-.” The decision is expected to make it nearly impossible for domestic violence survivors who cannot live safely in their home countries to […]

Oct 9, 2017

HIAS Decries Trump Administration’s Immigration Principles

Oct 9, 2017

HIAS Decries Trump Administration’s Immigration Principles HIAS Decries Trump Administration’s Immigration Principles Oct 09, 2017 SILVER SPRING, Md.—On Sunday, October 8, the Trump administration distributed a list of immigration principles and policies that, if enacted, would gut existing asylum laws and make it practically impossible for children fleeing persecution to seek safety in the United States. Under these proposed policies, asylum seekers would […]

Aug 28, 2017

HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers

Aug 28, 2017

HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers HIAS Responds to Israel’s Supreme Court Ruling on African Asylum Seekers Aug 28, 2017 SILVER SPRING, Md.—Today, Israel’s Supreme Court issued a ruling allowing the government to continue deporting African asylum seekers, while also limiting the detention of asylum seekers refusing “voluntary deportation” to a maximum of two months. In response, Mark Hetfield, President and […]

Aug 15, 2017

HIAS Responds to Trump Administration Limiting Central American Minors Program

Aug 15, 2017

HIAS Responds to Trump Administration Limiting Central American Minors Program HIAS Responds to Trump Administration Limiting Central American Minors Program Aug 15, 2017 SILVER SPRING, Md.—HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, is saddened by the Trump administration’s decision to end parole processing for individuals in Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala who apply to enter the U.S. through the Central American Minors (CAM) program. In […]

May 5, 2017

Texas Bill Creates More Fear and Uncertainty for Refugees and Immigrants

May 5, 2017

Texas Bill Creates More Fear and Uncertainty for Refugees and Immigrants Texas Bill Creates More Fear and Uncertainty for Refugees and Immigrants May 05, 2017 WASHINGTON—This week, the Texas House of Representatives passed Senate Bill 4 (SB 4), and Governor Abbott is expected to sign the legislation in the next few days. The law is scheduled to go into effect on September 1, 2017. HIAS, the […]

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