Topic: Asylum

229 results

Dec 8, 2023

White House Must Reject Funding Compromises That Endanger Asylum Seekers

Dec 8, 2023

White House Must Reject Funding Compromises That Endanger Asylum Seekers HIAS is deeply alarmed by reports that the Biden administration is considering new restrictions on asylum and expanded deportation processes in an effort to reach an agreement to keep funding for Israel and Ukraine in a supplemental funding bill. 

Dec 8, 2023

WATCH: Safeguarding Refugee Rights Through Legal Support

Dec 8, 2023

A HIAS legal client sits and talks with a client in this thumbnail for the video In this new video, you'll hear the stories of some of the over 200,000 displaced people HIAS assists each year through its legal support programs.

Nov 29, 2023

HIAS Renews Call on Congress to Reject Anti-Asylum Proposals in Funding Negotiations

Nov 29, 2023

HIAS Renews Call on Congress to Reject Anti-Asylum Proposals in Funding Negotiations HIAS is watching with deepening concern as Congress moves toward sacrificing fundamental asylum norms in its effort to reach a spending agreement that would ensure continued support for Ukraine. 

Nov 9, 2023

“Within This Pain, We Do Our Work”

Nov 9, 2023

“Within This Pain, We Do Our Work” HIAS convened a webinar featuring three experts who explained the situation in greater detail and assessed what HIAS has done to help those in need.

Nov 8, 2023

For Asylum Seekers, CBP One App Poses Major Challenges

Nov 8, 2023

A person hold their cellphone, displaying an error message on the CBP One App. The message reads: Despite challenges posed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection app, CBP One has become key to the Biden Administration's border management policy.

Nov 3, 2023

Photos: On the Ground in Israel, HIAS Assists the Displaced

Nov 3, 2023

Photos: On the Ground in Israel, HIAS Assists the Displaced HIAS is providing emergency protection services and helping displaced people to access shelter. The response has expanded to include cash assistance, provision of food and household items, and mental health support services.

Oct 10, 2023

Five Ways Americans Can Welcome Refugees

Oct 10, 2023

Five Ways Americans Can Welcome Refugees With a record 110 million people forcibly displaced, it is vital that everyday Americans help refugees find welcome and safety in their communities.

Oct 2, 2023

HIAS: Asylum Seekers and Humanitarian Assistance Must Be Prioritized in Long-Term Government Funding

Oct 2, 2023

HIAS: Asylum Seekers and Humanitarian Assistance Must Be Prioritized in Long-Term Government Funding HIAS is relieved that Congress averted a shutdown of the federal government with the passage of a short-term funding bill Saturday night. At the same time, the organization continues to call on lawmakers to protect humanitarian assistance, and urges them not to compromise the rights of refugees or asylum seekers as they work to reach agreement on a final funding package. 

Sep 26, 2023

HIAS Launches Volunteer Program To Respond to Arrival of Migrants in New York City

Sep 26, 2023

HIAS Launches Volunteer Program To Respond to Arrival of Migrants in New York City HIAS has expanded its volunteer program for asylum seekers to meet the needs of the thousands of migrants arriving in New York City on state-sponsored buses.

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