May 15, 2022

HIAS Statement on Mass Shooting in Buffalo

SILVER SPRING, Md. — There are no words to express our sadness and anger in response to the brutal act of violence in Buffalo Saturday. While the investigation is just beginning, we know that a white supremacist teenager with assault weapons murdered ten people at a grocery store. Our prayers are with the victims and their families. We stand in solidarity with the Black community, the residents of Buffalo, and our local partner in Buffalo, Jewish Family Services of Western New York.

As an organization, our job at HIAS doesn’t stop with welcoming those seeking safety. We must fight white supremacy, racism, anti-Asian violence, anti-Semitism, and all forms of hatred within our borders and around the world.

We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to these hateful rampages. Our collective communal response must be to build bridges between communities strong enough to withstand the forces that seek to tear us down. We must let our values of welcome, respect, and dignity lead our steps and our actions.

Together, we can and must take action to counter hate with solidarity and build a world that is safer and more compassionate.


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