Resolutions That Matter: How You Can Help Refugees in 2017
By Rachel Nusbaum,
Dec 29, 2016
Tourists take a selfie while waiting to celebrate New Year's in Times Square on December 31, 2015 in New York City.
(Andrew Burton/Getty Images)
If your New Year’s resolution is to do all you can to support and welcome refugees in 2017 (hey, us too!), here are some things you can do today:
- Send a welcome note to refugees. Click here to add your name, and we will deliver this note to newly arrived refugees to let them know that they are welcome here.
- Ask your Congregation to join the HIAS Welcome Campaign. More than 240 synagogues have already committed to taking action. Join them. (And ask your Rabbi to sign the National Rabbinic Letter in Support of Refugees.)
- Give to HIAS and support our ongoing work to welcome the stranger and protect the refugee.
- Volunteer your time to help refugees near you.
- Call your member of congress. Let them know you care about this issue, and you want them to do all they can for refugees in 2017.
- Post and share supportive messages on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Use social media to speak up for refugees and encourage the U.S. to remain a welcoming place.
- Broaden your horizons. Check out our refugee reading list and you just might learn something new.
- Educate your community. HIAS has a wealth of resources that can help, from FAQs to ideas for B’nai Mitzvah projects.
- Stay in touch. Sign up for email updates and occasional action alerts from HIAS. We’re going to need all hands on deck in 2017.
Have additional suggestions? Want to share a photo or story about how you plan to welcome refugees in 2017? Tweet at us (@HIASrefugees) or let us know on Facebook. We’d love to hear how you’re resolving to make 2017 a year of welcome.