What’s at Stake? Asylum, Refugee Resettlement, and the 2024 Election 

Sep 25, 2024
4:00 pm ET | 1:00 pm PT


For many years, the United States was seen as a beacon of hope for individuals around the world seeking protection and refuge. Recently, however, national pride and bipartisan consensus for welcoming asylum seekers and refugees has given way to increasingly xenophobic populism and narrowing legal pathways for those who need safety most.    

This trend in policy and political discourse not only threatens those most in need of protection, it would also fail to stabilize the border or address the long-broken immigration system. 

Join us for a program examining how November’s presidential election may lead to further decimation of the asylum system and the refugee program. Hear from HIAS experts and learn how we still have time to act.   

Featured Speakers Include: 

  • Mark Hetfield, CEO and President, HIAS 
  • Naomi Steinberg, Vice President, U.S. Policy & Advocacy, HIAS 
  • Smita Dazzo, Vice President, Legal & Asylum, HIAS 

Moderated by Jonathan Blitzer, Staff Writer at The New Yorker. Among many accomplishments, Jonathan won a 2017 National Award for Education Reporting, has been a finalist three times for a Livingston Award, and is the recipient of an Edward R. Murrow Award. His first book, Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis” was published in January 2024. 

This program is the last in a three-part series focusing on immigration policy and history in the lead up to the 2024 U.S. presidential election. 

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