Past Events

Nov 30, 2023

Understanding and Responding to the NYC Immigrant "Crisis"

Nov 30, 2023

Join us as we attempt to untangle this complex subject, provide clarity about how these migrants and asylum seekers arrive in NYC, what options are available to them, and how you can get involved.

Dec 7, 2023

HIAS' 2023 Community Virtual Candle Lighting

Dec 7, 2023

Get your menorah ready, and join us to celebrate a reconnection and rededication to our values of welcome, dignity, and freedom for all. Prepara tu menorá y únete a la celebración de la reconexión y la reafirmación de nuestros valores de acogida, dignidad y libertad para todos.

Jan 29, 2024

Asylum 101

Jan 29, 2024

Join the HIAS Pro Bono & Partnerships team for a webinar on Asylum 101.

Feb 2, 2024

HIAS’ Sixth Annual Refugee Shabbat

Feb 2, 2024

HIAS’ Sixth Annual Refugee Shabbat, which will take place on February 2-3, 2024, is an invitation for congregations, organizations, and individuals to express their solidarity with the global Jewish movement for refugee protection and welcome.

Feb 2, 2024

HIAS’ Sixth Annual Refugee Shabbat Service with Congregation Beit Simchat Torah

Feb 2, 2024

Come together with the HIAS community and our partners at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah for a special Kabbalat Service in honor of Refugee Shabbat.

Feb 15, 2024

Adjustment of Status for Afghan Asylees

Feb 15, 2024

Join HIAS' Pro Bono & Partnerships Team for this introductory webinar on filing for Adjustment of Status for asylees, where we will focus on some of the nuances involved in representing Afghan clients in this process.

Feb 21, 2024

From Crisis to Hope: The Refugee Story and Our Jewish Advocacy Responsibility 

Feb 21, 2024

Join a conversation with former refugees, advocates, and service providers to explore these questions and how to move forward.

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