HIAS Pathways Awards

Members of Congregation Neveh Shalom’s Welcome Circle take a walk with the family of Ukrainians they helped to resettle in the U.S. in 2023. Congregation Neveh Shalom received a Pathways Leadership award in 2024. (Katharine Kimball for HIAS)

HIAS is pleased to announce the opening of applications for our second annual Pathways Awards for synagogues and Jewish communities who share our values and support HIAS’ mission. At a moment when governments and cultural sentiments are shrinking empathy and aid extended to people in search of safety and welcome, it is more important than ever to project our pride in the values we hold. We encourage all congregations that support HIAS’ values to consider applying by May 31, 2025. Recipients will be announced in time for you to share with your communities during the High Holidays. The Pathways Awards honor recent work in the categories of education, volunteering, philanthropy, advocacy, ritual, and values.

HIAS allocated three tiers of awards:

Trailblazer Awards have been allocated to the top congregations in the country who have led on unique projects, volunteer efforts, and/or emergency response to crises.

Leadership Awards have been allocated to congregations who have committed to at least four categories of engagement or have done particularly extensive work in one category.

Partner Awards have been awarded to congregations who have committed to at least two categories of engagement.

At an unparalleled moment in human history with more than 120 million people forced to flee their homes, honorees embody the Jewish value of welcoming the stranger that is core to our tradition. Amid these extraordinary challenges, it is important for us to celebrate the good work that changes lives.

See past honorees here:

Trailblazer Award

Temple Israel of Hollywood Los Angeles, California
Temple Beth Am Los Angeles, California
Temple Beth Am Pinecrest, Florida
Temple Beth Zion Brookline, Massachusetts
Congregation Kol Ami Cherry Hill, New Jersey
B’nai Jeshurun New York, New York
Woodlands Community Temple White Plains, New York
Society for the Advancement of Judaism New York, New York
Park Slope Jewish Center Brooklyn, New York
East End Temple New York City, New York
Temple Concord Binghamton, New York
Congregation Rodeph Sholom New York, New York
Congregation Dor Hadash Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Temple Beth Hatfiloh Olympia, Washington
Temple Sinai Roslyn Heights, New York
Judea Reform Congregation Durham, North Carolina
Temple Beth Jacob Newburgh, New York
Shir Tikvah Minneapolis, Minnesota
Temple Micah Washington, District of Columbia

Leadership Award

Congregation B’nai Israel Little Rock, Arkansas
Kehillat Israel Pacific Palisades, California
Temple Sinai Oakland Oakland, California
Peninsula Temple Sholom Burlingame, California
Leo Baeck Temple Los Angeles, California
University Synagogue Irvine, California
Temple Beth El South Orange County Aliso Viejo, California
Temple Akiba Culver City, California
Congregation Rodef Shalom Denver, Colorado
Congregation Har Hashem Boulder, Colorado
Temple Emanuel of Greater New Haven Orange, Connecticut
Temple Sinai Washington, District of Columbia
Washington Hebrew Congregation Washington, District of Columbia
Temple Israel Tallahassee, Florida
Shearith Israel Atlanta, Georgia
Congregation Bet Haverim Atlanta, Georgia
Makom Solel Lakeside Highland Park, Illinois
Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion Oak Park, Illinois
Chizuk Amuno Congregation Pikesville, Maryland
Baltimore Hebrew Congregation Baltimore, Maryland
Jewish Community of Amherst Amherst, Massachusetts
Temple B’nai Abraham Beverly, Massachusetts
Temple Aliyah Needham, Massachusetts
Temple Israel West Bloomfield, Michigan
Temple B’nai Israel Kalamazoo, Michigan
Central Reform Congregation St. Louis, Missouri
Temple Beth Jacob Concord, New Hampshire
United Synagogue of Hoboken Hoboken, New Jersey
Temple B’nai Abraham Livingston, New Jersey
Beth Israel Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Temple Sinai Summit, New Jersey
Temple Sholom Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Temple Beth El of Northern Westchester Chappaqua, New York
Temple Beth-El Ithaca, New York
The Village Temple New York, New York
Larchmont Temple Larchmont, New York
Isaac M. Wise Temple Cincinnati, Ohio
Congregation Neveh Shalom Portland, Oregon
Germantown Jewish Centre Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Temple Shalom Dallas, Texas
Temple Emanu-El Dallas, Texas
Congregation Beth Israel Austin, Texas
Northern Virginia Hebrew Congregation Reston, Virginia
Congregation Emanu-El Spokane, Washington
Jewish Community Alliance for Refugee Resettlement (JCARR) Greater New Haven, Connecticut
Congregation Beth Shalom Seattle, Washington
Temple Beth Am Seattle, Washington
Temple De Hirsch Sinai Seattle, Washington
Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun River Hills, Wisconsin
Sons of Abraham La Crosse, Wisconsin

Partnership Award

Congregation Am Tikvah San Francisco, California
Congregation Bet Ha’am South Portland, Maine
Temple Sinai Marblehead, Massachusetts
Congregation B’nai Zion El Paso, Texas
Temple Beth El of Williamsburg Williamsburg, Virginia

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