Cultural and Gender-Aware Toolkits

The following toolkits were designed to enhance service providers’ understanding of gender awareness and cultural considerations when supporting newcomers to the United States.

The information contained in these toolkits was generated by cultural advisors in the Congolese, Haitian, Somali, Afghan, and Ukrainian communities who recommended areas of attention that service providers should bear in mind to ensure culturally and linguistically responsive services when providing gender-based violence prevention and responsive programming. The toolkits provide explanations of gender, orientation, and gender norms within a cultural context, programming tips, and service recommendations, and offer further resources. Developed from a trauma-informed and survivor-led lens, they can be used to guide service providers with the understanding that culture and identity are not static and monolithic. Resources such as these toolkit should be used as a starting point to deepen conversations with clients, and providers, and staff alike.


Serving Afghan Newcomers: A Practical Guide to Cultural and Gender-Aware Considerations

Serving Congolese Newcomers: A Practical Guide to Cultural and Gender-Aware Considerations

Serving Haitian Newcomers: A Practical Guide to Cultural and Gender-Aware Considerations

Serving Somali Newcomers: A Practical Guide to Cultural and Gender-Aware Considerations

Serving Ukrainian Newcomers: A Practical Guide to Cultural and Gender-Aware Considerations

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