

HIAS and UN Women collaborate on the Caminando project to promote economic empowerment and women's rights. (Luis Felipe Camacho for HIAS)




HIAS Ecuador

+593 96 316 1400 / 02 3825770

Ecuador is hosting approximately 550,000 refugees and migrants, of whom 474,945 are from Venezuela.

The country is also host to refugees and migrants from Colombia, Haiti, and Peru. Currently, there are 75,638 recognized refugees and 9,368 asylum seekers in Ecuador.


people received services in 2023

Our Work

We work to build development processes and protective environments that promote the well-being, recognition of rights, and comprehensive inclusion of refugees, migrants, and the host community in Ecuador. We work with government institutions, partner agencies, and the private sector to promote inclusion and the development of sustainable livelihoods through community-based programs and humanitarian assistance. HIAS’ strategy in Ecuador focuses on a case management approach that provides families with personalized and comprehensive assistance.

A HIAS staff member speaks with a woman and girl about HIAS' programs to address violence against women and girls. End Violence Against Women and Girls | HIAS

We help women and girls access their full potential and live free from violence by supporting survivors, mitigating risks, and engaging communities in change.

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Our economic inclusion programs ensure that refugees have economic opportunities to earn sustainable income and start their lives anew.

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HIAS’ community-based mental health programs promote the well-being of individuals, families, and communities affected by crisis and conflict so they can heal and rebuild their lives.

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A HIAS staff member speaks with a woman and girl about HIAS' programs to address violence against women and girls. End Violence Against Women and Girls | HIAS

We help women and girls access their full potential and live free from violence by supporting survivors, mitigating risks, and engaging communities in change.

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Impact Story

Working to Break Down Gender Stereotypes in Ecuador

In collaboration with the World Food Program, HIAS Ecuador produced a series of videos that seek to challenge gender stereotypes within the home. These videos highlight certain issues that women and girls face such as unequal access to food and an unequal distribution of household chores.

HIAS’ services are free. If someone tries to charge you for services claiming they represent HIAS, please report it at our confidential email address: HIAS has a zero-tolerance policy on fraud and corruption. 

For any other inquiries please email us at

Together, we can help create a world in which refugees find welcome, safety, and opportunity.

Your gift will help us provide vital services to refugees and asylum seekers and advocate for their fundamental rights so they can rebuild their lives.

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