Topic: Welcome Campaign

48 results

Jan 17, 2017

1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees

1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees 1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees Jan 17, 2017 As questions loom over whether the Trump administration will alter or restrict the federal refugee program, rabbis across the country are urging elected officials to maintain, and strengthen, the current system. Today, HIAS, the global Jewish nonprofit that protects refugees, released a letter signed […]

Jan 4, 2017

New York Jewish Communities Get Resourceful for Refugees

New York Jewish Communities Get Resourceful for Refugees Last year saw the number of people worldwide forced from their homes by war and persecution balloon to over 65 million, including millions fleeing the horrific conflict in Syria. As the need for urgent refugee assistance grew, so did the Jewish community’s grassroots efforts to help welcome and protect the most vulnerable refugees.

Dec 29, 2016

Resolutions That Matter: How You Can Help Refugees in 2017

Resolutions That Matter: How You Can Help Refugees in 2017 If your New Year’s resolution is to do all you can to support and welcome refugees in 2017 (hey, us too!), here are some things you can do today.

Dec 27, 2016

Synagogues Gather to Learn How to Help Refugees

Synagogues Gather to Learn How to Help Refugees The social hall at Temple Micah in Washington, D.C. was humming with conversation. Roughly 100 people, representing more than 20 synagogues in the D.C. area between them, eagerly awaited information about how their congregations might take on the global refugee crisis in a very local way: partnering with a newly-arrived refugee family through the HIAS Welcome Campaign.

Dec 1, 2016

After War, and Waiting, Syrian Refugees Find Welcome in Buffalo

After War, and Waiting, Syrian Refugees Find Welcome in Buffalo The middle-aged man sat quietly in a nondescript refugee center conference room. On the table before him lay a hand-drawn illustration, a colorful, heartfelt expression of thanks to those who had helped his family reach safety after years of tragedy and trauma.

Nov 22, 2016

Across the US, Refugees Celebrate Their First Thanksgiving

Across the US, Refugees Celebrate Their First Thanksgiving Across the country, refugees have already begun to gather for Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S. communities that have welcomed them. Celebrations from Philadelphia to San Diego let refugees and volunteers share the food, and the spirit, of the upcoming holiday.

Nov 22, 2016

From Brooklyn to the Bronx, a Manhattan Synagogue Spreads Welcome on Thanksgiving

From Brooklyn to the Bronx, a Manhattan Synagogue Spreads Welcome on Thanksgiving Early Sunday morning, Charlie Blank and Jenn Corker set off to meet a family of Afghan refugees. A halal turkey sat in a cooler on the back seat. Blank and Corker are members of East End Temple, a Reform Jewish congregation in Manhattan that has been working with HIAS to find ways to support and advocate for refugees.

Nov 21, 2016

Attorneys Volunteer to Protect Asylum Seekers

Attorneys Volunteer to Protect Asylum Seekers Recognizing the growing demand for assistance navigating the tedious legal process tied to securing asylum status in the U.S., HIAS recently launched a pro bono training program for attorneys to volunteer their services.

Nov 14, 2016

Mark Hetfield Named to Forward 50

Mark Hetfield Named to Forward 50 HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield was named to the Forward newspaper's annual list of “Jews who have impacted American life” for 2016. This year’s Forward 50 recognizes Hetfield for being at the forefront of the Syrian refugee relief efforts.

Nov 11, 2016

How We Move Forward Together For Refugees

How We Move Forward Together For Refugees It's going to take all of us, working harder than ever, to make sure that refugees still feel welcome in this country. It is up to us to ensure that the U.S. remains a place where families fleeing war and persecution can find safety and dignity.

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