Topic: Advocacy

330 results

May 5, 2020

A Global Perspective on the Modern Perils of Seeking Asylum

A Global Perspective on the Modern Perils of Seeking Asylum The international human rights system is fragile—HIAS will continue to represent, advocate, and litigate for something better and more rights-compliant.

May 5, 2020

Up Close and Personal at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Up Close and Personal at the U.S.-Mexico Border A volunteer who went on a HIAS delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border just before the pandemic recalls his work and the emotional impact of the trip.

Apr 30, 2020

LISTEN: CFR Discussion on How COVID-19 is Affecting Refugees

LISTEN: CFR Discussion on How COVID-19 is Affecting Refugees The Council on Foreign Relations interviews HIAS' VP of International Programs Rachel Levitan.

Apr 14, 2020

Things to Know About Refugees and COVID-19

Things to Know About Refugees and COVID-19 Some important things to keep in mind about refugees and COVID-19.

Apr 2, 2020

Asylum Seekers Fear Staying in Mexico More Than Coronavirus

Asylum Seekers Fear Staying in Mexico More Than Coronavirus As countries around the world close borders and implement restrictions in response to coronavirus, asylum seekers are waiting even longer to access courts and other protections guaranteed by law.

Mar 30, 2020

As COVID-19 Responses Threaten Refugee Rights, HIAS Pushes Back

As COVID-19 Responses Threaten Refugee Rights, HIAS Pushes Back As HIAS staff members around the world find safe ways to deliver vital services and care for clients, they are also fighting for the needs and rights of refugees and asylum seekers in the countries where HIAS operates.

Mar 27, 2020

Statement on Congress Passing COVID-19 Response Bill

Statement on Congress Passing COVID-19 Response Bill Statement on Congress Passing COVID-19 Response Bill Mar 27, 2020 SILVER SPRING, Md. -- Today, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a bipartisan COVID-19 response bill. The $2 trillion in funding will increase resources for those in the U.S. in need of employment and healthcare support, as well as provide overseas […]

Mar 19, 2020

National Refugee Shabbat 2020

National Refugee Shabbat 2020 National Refugee Shabbat 5780, which will take place on March 20-21, 2020, is a moment for congregations, organizations, and individuals around the country to dedicate a Shabbat experience to refugees and asylum seekers.

Mar 16, 2020

On the 40th Anniversary of the Refugee Act of 1980

On the 40th Anniversary of the Refugee Act of 1980 Forty years ago, in the highest expression of the American spirit, Congress passed the Refugee Act of 1980, landmark legislation that established the U.S. refugee resettlement program and asylum system.

Feb 11, 2020

Statement Submitted to House Judiciary Committee on “NO BAN Act”

Statement Submitted to House Judiciary Committee on “NO BAN Act” Statement Submitted to House Judiciary Committee on "NO BAN Act" Feb 11, 2020 Statement submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on the Judiciary Markup of: H.R. 2214, the “National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Nonimmigrants Act” or the “NO BAN Act”  For 139 years, HIAS, the American Jewish community’s refugee organization, has stood for welcome. We […]

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