Topic: Climate Change

4 results

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million Ahead of World Refugee Day, the United Nations’ refugee agency announced the greatest number of displaced people ever recorded — 120 million — a staggering figure that has doubled over the last decade.

Nov 21, 2022

Hetfield on Climate Migration: “We Now Have to Address It”

Nov 21, 2022

Hetfield on Climate Migration: “We Now Have to Address It” On November 20, HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield addressed the 14th annual Halifax International Security Forum. The event brought together democratic leaders, military strategists, security experts, and journalists from more than 60 countries engaged in pressing global peace and security challenges. 

Aug 19, 2022

HIAS Responds to Severe Flooding in Chad

Aug 19, 2022

HIAS Responds to Severe Flooding in Chad More than 1,000 households were affected by severe flooding, with scores of homes and businesses damaged or destroyed.

Nov 4, 2021

Let’s Talk About Climate Change and Refugees

Nov 4, 2021

Let’s Talk About Climate Change and Refugees Let's Talk About Climate Change and Refugees By Sharon Samber, Nov 04, 2021 As worry about forced displacement and its connection to climate change escalates, some positive developments continue, such as HIAS Chad's groundbreaking permagardening program that puts food agency back into clients’ hands. (HIAS Chad) Climate change is not theoretical, so HIAS is now […]

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