Topic: World Refugee Day

3 results

Jul 3, 2024

Solidarity Shines Through on World Refugee Day

Jul 3, 2024

Solidarity Shines Through on World Refugee Day Here’s how some of our country offices celebrated World Refugee Day this year, and how they decided to show displaced people that they’re not alone.

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million

Jun 20, 2024

UNHCR: Number of Displaced Worldwide Exceeds 120 Million Ahead of World Refugee Day, the United Nations’ refugee agency announced the greatest number of displaced people ever recorded — 120 million — a staggering figure that has doubled over the last decade.

Jun 30, 2023

World Refugee Day: A Global Look Back

Jun 30, 2023

World Refugee Day: A Global Look Back Many HIAS offices across the globe commemorated World Refugee Day with activities, learning, and celebration.

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