Topic: Advocacy

296 results

Aug 31, 2021

Former Board Chair Dale Schwartz Remembered

Aug 31, 2021

Former Board Chair Dale Schwartz Remembered Dale Schwartz, a long-time member of the HIAS board and past HIAS board chair, died August 27.

Aug 27, 2021

Mark Hetfield: “Our Work Is Far From Done”

Aug 27, 2021

Mark Hetfield: “Our Work Is Far From Done” This has been a tough week for all of us at HIAS, but it has been so much worse for the people of Afghanistan, writes HIAS President and CEO in The Forward.

Aug 26, 2021

Hetfield: To Save Afghans, U.S. Needs to “Show Some Leadership”

Aug 26, 2021

Hetfield: To Save Afghans, U.S. Needs to “Show Some Leadership” HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield appeared today on Meet the Press Daily with Chuck Todd to discuss the “bureaucratic calamity” that is preventing people from leaving Afghanistan for safety elsewhere.

Aug 23, 2021

Afghan Refugee Crisis: “We’re In It for the Long Haul”

Aug 23, 2021

Afghan Refugee Crisis: “We’re In It for the Long Haul” HIAS staff have traveled to United States military bases, to help process those Afghans who made it out of Kabul. HIAS affiliates across the U.S. are getting ready to receive or are already receiving Afghan refugees and ramping up their services.

Aug 19, 2021

HIAS Set to Assist Afghan Evacuees

Aug 19, 2021

HIAS Set to Assist Afghan Evacuees With the final troop pull out of Afghanistan and sudden humanitarian crisis, HIAS and our U.S. affiliates are preparing to provide immediate help for those who arrive.

Jul 20, 2021

Historic First for Asylees in California

Jul 20, 2021

Historic First for Asylees in California California is set to be the first state in the nation to introduce case management services for asylees.

Jul 14, 2021

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome

Jul 14, 2021

May Our Lamentations Open Our Hearts to Welcome This Tisha B’Av, as the Jewish community commemorates the destruction of both ancient temples in Jerusalem and the exile of the Jewish people, we mourn the losses refugees and asylum seekers have suffered.

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border

Jun 29, 2021

We Still Need to Help at the U.S-Mexico Border HIAS President and CEO Mark Hetfield visited the HIAS teams in Monterrey, Ciudad Juárez, Tijuana, and Mexicali who are helping hundreds of asylum seekers.

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees

Jun 1, 2021

How HIAS Came to Work With LGBTQ Refugees While LGBTQ outreach is not a core part of HIAS’ work, it is vitally important and has had a profound impact on many hundreds of LGBTQ refugees' lives.

May 19, 2021

HIAS in NYT: President Biden, Thousands of Refugees Are Waiting On You

May 19, 2021

HIAS in NYT: President Biden, Thousands of Refugees Are Waiting On You In a guest essay for the New York Times, HIAS officials Melanie Nezer and León Rodríguez explain why fixing refugee resettlement requires far more effort from both the Biden administration and Congress.

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