Topic: Asylum

228 results

Aug 13, 2019

SLIDESHOW: Jewish Groups Rally to #CloseTheCamps

Aug 13, 2019

SLIDESHOW: Jewish Groups Rally to #CloseTheCamps Jewish groups across the country marked Tisha b’Av, the traditional Jewish day of mourning, with vigils and protests to demand an end to the mistreatment of immigrants and refugees.

Aug 13, 2019

Interview: Naomi Steinberg on Changing U.S. Refugee and Asylum Policy

Aug 13, 2019

Interview: Naomi Steinberg on Changing U.S. Refugee and Asylum Policy HIAS Vice President for Policy and Advocacy Naomi Steinberg shares her perspective on changing US immigration policies amid the current massive global refugee crisis.

Jul 30, 2019

WATCH: Melanie Nezer’s TED Talk on Why Asylum is a Fundamental Right

Jul 30, 2019

WATCH: Melanie Nezer’s TED Talk on Why Asylum is a Fundamental Right HIAS Senior Vice President for Public Affairs Melanie Nezer shares an urgently needed historical perspective on the crisis at the southern U.S. border.

Jul 17, 2019

WATCH: A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez

Jul 17, 2019

WATCH: A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez Watch “A Day in the Life of HIAS Border Fellow Luis Gonzalez” to see what making a difference looks like firsthand.

Jul 2, 2019

Helping with Dignity in Costa Rica

Jul 2, 2019

Helping with Dignity in Costa Rica A trip to Costa Rica shows how HIAS sees upholding the dignity of refugees as central to its mission.

Jun 25, 2019

WATCH: Asylum, An Essential Lifeline

Jun 25, 2019

WATCH: Asylum, An Essential Lifeline Asylum is in the news a lot these days. Borders closed, children forcibly separated from parents, people detained in cages. Yet, many of us still don’t know what asylum really means and how it works. Watch our new video to learn more.

May 21, 2019

On Their Own Time, Lawyers Helping at the Border

May 21, 2019

On Their Own Time, Lawyers Helping at the Border HIAS-led delegations of pro bono attorneys travel to the border to provide additional legal services and build on the work being done by the HIAS Border Fellows

May 7, 2019

Family Reunited Through HIAS/M4M Partnership

May 7, 2019

Family Reunited Through HIAS/M4M Partnership Lucy was reunited with her husband and children in Maryland, thanks to HIAS and a new partnership with Miles4Migrants, an organization that uses donated airline reward miles to help relocate and reunite families of refugees and asylum seekers.

Apr 11, 2019

Democrats Try to Repeal Muslim, Refugee, and Asylum Bans

Apr 11, 2019

Democrats Try to Repeal Muslim, Refugee, and Asylum Bans Congressional Democrats are trying to repeal President Trump's bans that target Muslims, refugees, and asylum seekers.

Apr 9, 2019

Border Fellow Helps Those Seeking a “Glimmer of Hope”

Apr 9, 2019

Border Fellow Helps Those Seeking a “Glimmer of Hope” Nicolas Palazzo is the new HIAS Border Fellow working in El Paso, Texas.

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